
Showing posts from August, 2019
My Very First Blog          Thank you for visiting my blog. I would like to give a brief introduction of myself and why I set this blog up. I currently belong in the Social Science Education major at Florida State University and my passion to change the lives of those kids who had none to look to for inspiration and motivation is what moved me towards this path.  I was one of these kids and it was my social studies teacher in higschool that changed the very way that I looked at the world. It went from a dismal place bathed in misfortune and ill comings to a place of glory and meaning through sheer hard work and dedication. Since the day I met him, my abilities were enhanced and my dreams became nothing short of reality so in order to payback such a humble favor, I want to show a child who sees the world as nothing but dark and grey that it can instead be a world filled with light and potential just as my teacher once did for me.          This blog was created due to the requir